Consider the fact that we gain or lose chi in every transition we make, seasonal or otherwise!

SUMMER to FALL is particularly important, especially in terms of our current culture.  We are False Yang addicted.  We move from exposure and risk to contemplation and internality – a reverence and tremendous care for what we are about to do.  It is a YIELDING:  We acquiesce to change.  


Here is a list of the six forms, created by one of my teachers  – based on the I Ching – to ease us through this important and delicate transition:

PYRAMID ~ Heart:  We touch the true Yang spirit of what is leaving

ARC OF HEART ~ Heart:  We palpate the matter of sorrow and longing

OPENING TWO WORLDS ~ Lung:  We enter Autumn with a sense of joy, rather than loss  Lung is responsible for making the meaning in your life that your shining forgot.  

CRANE ~ Lung (Yang Form):  We face fear – a most important form for transformation of grief.  

REGENERATION ~ Lung:  We soar for just a moment and then return back into accountability.

DISTILLING ~ Lung   We create a completely quiet space.